Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Nice Ford photos

A few nice ford images I found:

Storage Dam, also known as Griggs Dam, 1918

Image by UA Archives | Upper Arlington History
The Storage Dam was the first of two dams built to contain the water of the Scioto River for use as drinking water for the city of Columbus, Ohio. It was completed in 1905 at a cost of 0,000. The chief engineer of the city at the time of its completion was Julian Griggs. The dam became known as Griggs Dam and grew to encompass a 521-acre recreational area providing biking, hiking, fishing, boating, and picnicking opportunities near Upper Arlington.

When it was being built one dynamite blast broke twenty-two windows in the nearby farmhouse of the Harry Matthews family, a prominent early family in the area. A third of a huge oak stump flew through the roof their second story porch, barely missing the lady of the house. The surveyors of the dam boarded in the same house.

Then as now, the area was a destination spot for those wanting to escape "the big city." Beginning around 1903 the interurban train which carried commuters to and from downtown Columbus during the week would take those who wanted to picnic or fish to the Columbus City parks near Griggs Dam on the weekends. The end of the line was just north of the dam and so it was "fondly known to area residents as the Dam Car." Model T Ford automobiles (flivvers), buses, and trucks had replaced the interurban by 1925. The dam was also celebrated in James Thurber’s story "The Day the Dam Broke."

This image available online at the UA Archives >>

View this image in the "Norwester" magazine at the UA Archives >>


Identifier: hinw07p019i01
Date (yyyy-mm-dd): c. 1918-05
Original Dimensions: 12.8 cm x 8.6 cm
Format: Black and White Halftone Photograph
Source: Norwester, May 1918, page 19
Original Publisher: Upper Arlington Community (Ohio)
Location/s: Upper Arlington (USA, Ohio, Franklin County)
Repository: Upper Arlington Historical Society
Digital Publisher: UA ArchivesUpper Arlington Public Library

Credit: UA Archives – Upper Arlington Public Library (Repository: UA Historical Society)

August 4, 1902

Image by National Library of Ireland on The Commons
The sharpness of this photo is not great, but could not resist it because of the stuffed badger! It was taken at the Tramore Bazaar, where lots of Waterford businesses advertised their wares with stalls and tents.

From the size of the tent, we believe this group worked for a large Waterford concern, but the only evidence of which one is from "HOP" and "FORD", presumably "… Shop, Waterford".

Date: 4 August 1902

NLI Ref.: P_WP_0385

2011.03 (detail)

Image by Deseronto Archives
Detail of the 1940s business directory for Deseronto, Ontario, found on the map of Hastings County.

The businesses and telephone numbers listed are:

E. M. ROACH, Butcheres, co. St. Goerge & Edmond Sts………………………………………….83-84

DAWSON’S QUINTE BEACH CAMP, Complete Tourist Service, Highway 2, Deseronto, Ont……….36-R12

CLARKE’S FEED MILL, Deseronto, Ont…………………………………………….59

E. J. GARDNER, Funeral Home, …………………………………………………..Days 67 Nights 70

J. D. DAWSON, Garage, Ford Cars, Trucks & Tractors, Sales & Service, Deseronto, Ont. ……..65

MIDDLETON MOTORS, St. George & Edmond Sts., H. Middleton Prop. Deseronto, Ont.

STOVER & SAGER, General Merchants, Deseronto, Ont. …………………………………..47

ARLINGTON HOTEL, Meals-Rooms-Fishing Parties, Main St. Deseronto, Ont., Stan Marek Prop…………..16"

Nice Ford photos

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